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Talent is Everywhere. Opportunity Isn't. Let's Change That Together.


Affordability. For many who aspire to higher education and the benefits it provides, this is the one word that separates them from taking the next step to achieve their dreams. At WGU, we believe the cost of a college degree shouldn't result in years of crippling student debt. We strive to keep tuition rates low so more students can access higher education and complete their degrees.

Our donors advance our mission through their scholarship gifts. Whether we are engaging our alumni broadly through the Fellow Night Owl Scholarship or providing named annual endowed scholarship support to our students, our scholarship support enhances the lives of our students and their families.

WGU scholarships not only help students afford their education, they show recipients that others believe in them and are rooting for their success.

Annual Giving

Every dollar counts. At WGU, every gift we receive supports our vision of making quality higher education affordable and accessible for all.

Every dollar counts because every student counts. Through our unique instructional model, every student receives a customized education to meet their needs.

Every dollar counts because every donor counts. We can only help our students achieve their dreams one by one, student by student, dollar by dollar.