Get Credit for Work You’ve Done—Requesting Transcripts Can be Easy
Take the Next Step—Transfer to WGU or Request WGU Official Transcripts
If you’ve taken courses or received a degree from a community college or another college or university, you're likely already well on your way to a WGU degree. You can almost always transfer credits when you send accredited bachelor's or associate degree transcripts.
Similarly, if you're in need of your official WGU transcripts to transfer to another university or for a job, it's simple to make that request and show the courses you have taken at WGU.
Ready to Transfer to WGU?
The first step to earning transfer credits is to submit your previous college transcripts to WGU. We'll review them and let you know how many transferrable credits you have.
Need Your WGU Transcript?
It's simple to request your WGU transcripts to submit to another university, for another advanced degree program, or for proof of graduation for a job. Learn more about how to make this request.
Sending in Transcripts for College Transfer to WGU
WGU offers a free transcript service to help students gather and submit transcripts. During the application you will be asked if you would like to opt-in to this service, and have your transcripts gathered and sent from participating institutions.
If you opt out of the free transcript service or if your school does not participate, official transcripts should be mailed directly from transferring colleges to our Transcripts Department. Your copy of your transcript is not considered official unless it is sealed. Please order official transcripts promptly, as they can take a few weeks to arrive. Your transcripts should be received by the fifth of the month prior to your intended start date.
Official transcripts should be mailed or sent electronically directly from transferring colleges to our Transfer Evaluation department.
Requesting Your WGU Transcript
- Transcript Types
- Official
- Unofficial
WGU offers two options for official and unofficial transcripts, the Academic and the Record of Achievement (ROAT). When requesting a transcript, you will need to select a transcript type.
Note: Official transcripts will not list Excellence Award recognitions except for the Capstone Excellence Awards at this time.
Academic Transcript
The Academic Transcript is a comprehensive statement of attempted and verified learning designed to illustrate and communicate how the student has met program competencies and corresponding learning outcomes. The transcript reflects the student’s permanent academic record, comprised of all courses set into registration, competency units received, certifications/credentials earned, honors/awards received, and degrees conferred. The Academic Transcript is typically required by and for other institutions of higher education.
Record of Achievement Transcript (ROAT)
The Record of Achievement Transcript is a comprehensive statement of verified learning designed to illustrate and communicate how the student has met program competencies and corresponding learning outcomes. The Record of Achievement transcript is comprised of all completed coursework, certifications/credentials earned, honors/awards received, and degrees conferred. The Record of Achievement transcript may be used for employers, licensing bodies, and other interested parties.
Comparing Transcript Types
The Academic Transcript is the traditional official transcript meaning it includes all terms, courses passed, and courses not passed. The Record of Achievement Official Transcript lists only the achievements or courses passed for each term. If a term does not have a passed course, that term will not show on the Record of Achievement transcript.
The transcripts present the GPA statement in reference to the information the transcript provides. The Academic Transcript’s key states, "Western Governors University and its state affiliates do not calculate a grade point average (GPA) or class rank." The Record of Achievement Transcript contains the statement in the transcript header, “GPA: This student completed each of the listed courses with a GPA between 3.0 and 4.0 on a 4.0-scale.”
Obtaining an Official WGU Transcript
Copies of your WGU transcripts may be ordered using the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Students can order transcripts from the National Student Clearinghouse by visiting the Transcript Ordering Center and searching for Western Governors University.
Orders placed on or after February 14th, 2022 will be fulfilled through our automated fulfillment process. Electronic orders will be fulfilled within 30 minutes. Mailed orders will be sent out the following business day.
Note: Once your order is placed, you will not be able to make changes to your order.
For any orders requiring additional forms, transcript fulfillment times may vary. If you have questions regarding the confirmation of your transcript(s) being sent, please contact the Student Records Department at for further assistance.
Obtaining Unofficial Academic Transcript or Unofficial Record of Achievement Transcript
To access/download unofficial WGU transcripts, please log in to your student portal. Once logged in, proceed to the Student Services - Records section on the Student Support tab of the student portal. Your unofficial WGU transcript may be obtained by clicking Download.
Note: Any questions related to sending transcripts from other universities to WGU during the transcript evaluation processes should be directed to
For information on WGU’s grading system and how that impacts the transcript, please refer to the Student Handbook article Term Registration and Enrollment.
Third Party Transcript Orders
For third-party requests, please contact the National Student Clearinghouse for more information.