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What Is New Media?

Apr 27, 2023

"New media" is a term used to describe the constantly evolving ways that we consume and create content. It encompasses various digital technologies, including social media, streaming services, and mobile devices. With these new technologies, anyone can easily and quickly share their ideas, opinions, or creations with the world. Unlike traditional media, which primarily includes print and broadcast media, new media is interactive, allowing users to engage in two-way conversations and participate in online communities. It is a powerful tool transforming how we communicate, work, and play. As new media continues to change, staying informed about the latest trends and advancements is important.

Have you considered a career in new media, whether in app development or digital marketing, but aren’t sure how to get started? Read on to learn what new media is and explore different paths for entering the field. 

New Media Definition

"New media" refers to various forms of digital communication that have emerged in recent years, including social media, podcasts, websites, blogs, streaming platforms, and mobile apps. A defining characteristic of new media is its ability to utilize multimedia elements such as video and audio to create engaging, easily shareable content across different platforms.

With so much content available, it can be difficult for consumers to find the specific topics they want. This is where customization comes in.

New media can be tailored to fit each consumer's specific interests and needs. This can be done in various ways, such as through personalized recommendations based on previous interactions or by allowing users to choose their preferences. Customization not only helps consumers find content that is relevant to them, but it also enhances their overall experience with the media. As new media evolves and expands, developments in customization via algorithms will keep consumers engaged and satisfied.

Examples of New Media

New media has revolutionized communication and how information is consumed, paving the way for new opportunities and possibilities in the digital age. A few examples include the following:

  • Blogs have become a powerful tool for individuals and businesses to express their thoughts, connect with their audience, and build their brands. Unlike print media, which operates on a more static and passive model, blogs provide a more dynamic, interactive, and customizable platform for information sharing.
  • Email has revolutionized communication with its ability to send and receive messages instantly. Its integration with other digital platforms like social media and instant messaging further strengthens its position within new media. 
  • Music and television streaming services, such as Netflix, Spotify, and Apple Music, have revolutionized how individuals consume entertainment, granting unlimited access to a seemingly infinite stream of content. These platforms use algorithms and data to curate personalized recommendations based on your viewing and listening habits.
  • Social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok enable users to create, share, and consume multimedia content easily. This aspect of social media sets it apart from traditional media such as television and print. With social media, you are active and engaged, able to participate in content creation and sharing.
  • Virtual and augmented reality allows users to immerse themselves in simulated environments, interacting with 3D objects and virtual characters. Virtual reality offers a completely fabricated sensory experience, while augmented reality enhances the real-world environment around a person with additional digital overlays. These powerful and exciting innovations can transform many industries, including healthcare, education, and entertainment. 
  • Websites enable people to access, consume, and interact with information in real-time. They provide businesses, organizations, and individuals with a platform to communicate, promote their brands, or showcase their talents to a global audience. From e-commerce websites that allow customers to purchase goods and services online to social media sites that facilitate interpersonal communication and networking, websites have revolutionized how we interact with the world.

New media encompasses a vast array of different platforms, each with its unique potential and opportunity for growth. However, despite their differences, they all share a common goal: to engage audiences in more immersive, personalized, and interactive experiences.

New Media Careers

Employers constantly seek proficient individuals in new media, making it an attractive and lucrative profession. And as the importance of technology continues to grow, the demand for individuals with new media skills will only increase. The following are examples of careers within new media:

Social Media Manager

Social media managers are responsible for creating, scheduling, and executing campaigns promoting a company's brand and goals. In addition, they are tasked with monitoring, analyzing, and reporting on the performance of these campaigns. Currently, the median salary for a social media manager is around $54,617 per year, with an expected workforce growth of 10% from 2021 to 2031. Filling a vital role in a company's online presence, social media managers are essential in navigating the ever-evolving social media landscape.

Public Relations Specialist

Public relations specialists manage and maintain relationships between an organization and its stakeholders. They work to foster a positive image for their company or client by creating and executing strategic communication plans that convey the organization's message to the public. Their responsibilities may include drafting press releases, planning and executing events, coordinating interviews, and managing social media accounts. The average salary for a public relations specialist is around $74,197 per year, and the job outlook is expected to grow by 8%.

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers create visually appealing and engaging designs that communicate a brand's message effectively. This includes designing logos, brochures, websites, video games, packaging, and other marketing materials. The median annual salary for a graphic designer is around $51,000, depending on the experience and location of the designer. The increasing demand for creative digital content and visual marketing strategies will drive the need for graphic designers in various industries, with an expected job growth of 3%.


Editors ensure that written works reach their full potential. Their primary responsibility is to revise and polish written content, checking for grammatical errors, flaws in structure, and inconsistencies in style. They must also coordinate with writers and publishers to ensure that deadlines are met and that the final product aligns with the intended message. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for editors is around $63,350. Skillful editors will find many opportunities in specialized fields such as online media and text translation.

Marketing Executive

Marketing executives are responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of a company's marketing strategy, campaigns, and branding initiatives. They must conduct research to identify current market trends and competition and develop measures to promote a company's products or services effectively. A marketing executive salary can range from $77,680 to $208,000 annually, depending on the company's size, industry, and location. With the continued rise of e-commerce and digital media, the job outlook for marketing executives is projected to remain steady in the coming years.

Paid Ad Manager

Ad managers create and manage online advertising campaigns to promote a company's products or services. This involves researching target audiences, developing ad strategies, creating compelling ad copy and visuals, and analyzing their performance to adjust accordingly. The average salary for an ad manager is $127,150 per year. As companies continue to invest more in online advertising, the employment of advertising, promotions, and marketing managers is expected to grow by 10% between 2021 and 2031.

How to Become a New Media Expert

It is helpful for those interested in developing their career in new media to be knowledgeable about the many aspects of this field, from SEO and website development to social media marketing strategies. Furthermore, it is vital to narrow your focus to a specific area and become an expert in that area by gaining additional knowledge through certification or a degree. With a bachelor's or master's degree in marketing or communications at WGU, you'll learn the ins and outs of consumer behavior and digital advertising, allowing you to create content that resonates with your target audience. WGU's program emphasizes both theory and practical application, helping you to develop a strong foundation and real-world experience that will make you an invaluable asset to any company in the new media space. By obtaining a degree from WGU, you'll be one step ahead in the job market, ready to take on whatever new opportunities come your way.

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