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Performance Assessments



Performance assessments (PAs) present open-ended, authentic, real-world problems that allow students the opportunity to engage in active learning while demonstrating competence in a given course. Evaluators are able to give formative feedback to students to improve their assessments if they do not meet the requirements. Not all WGU courses will include a performance assessment.

The task and supplementary documentation should not include instructional material. Instructional material is information that a competent student should be expected to know, including step-by-step instruction on how to complete the task when the student should know how to complete the task.

Additional PA standards can be found on the ADKB and on the Standards and Practices Guidance site.


Descriptor: The specific performance expectations of students, as outlined in the rubric.
EMA: EMA (Evaluation Management Application) is the delivery platform for performance assessments. Note that EMA is an internal term, and students are not familiar with it. References to EMA should be removed or made generic. For example, "Submit your task."
PA template (i.e., EMA template): The document that is used to draft a performance assessment. Each task must be developed in its own template. The template must be used for all new development, redevelopment, and maintenance—it is not optional.
Performance indicator: What the student has to do in order to meet the corresponding proficiency level of each rubric aspect.
Proficiency levels: The overall quality of the submission, indicated by the following categories (represented as columns within the rubric): Not Evident, Approaching Competence, and Competent.
Prompt: Lettered or numbered elements or overarching statements within the Requirements section.
Rubric: This table guides how the task requirements are measured.
Rubric aspect: Each row within the rubric that corresponds to a measured prompt in the Requirements section.
Task: PAs are composed of one or more tasks. Most PAs have one to three tasks, but PAs for capstone courses often have four or five tasks.

General Formatting and Style

Note: Do not make structural changes to the PA Template. This includes changing the headings and tables within the template. Doing so may affect the automatic upload capabilities for the Publication Team. If a section of the template is not being used, do not delete the box or table from the template. It may also be helpful to review the Annotated Performance Assessment Template in addition to reading the style guide.

  • The following formatting elements are applied to each performance assessment template document.
    • Font: Verdana, 10 pt, black (all text, including titles, competencies, and the rubric, excluding any hyperlinked text)
    • Line spacing: single, 0 pt before and after
    • Text alignment: left
    • Numbering/bullets: manual, not automatic; if this icon is highlighted, the list uses automatic formatting, not manual (supporting documents do not need to follow this instruction)

Section headings: All section headings in performance assessments (e.g., Introduction, Scenario, Requirements) should be in title case and in boldface. No colon is needed.

Subheadings: Any subheadings within the Introduction, Scenario, or Requirements sections should be in title case, flush left with no hanging indent, and in boldface. One blank line should come before the subheading line but not after. No colon is needed.

Second-level subheadings: Any second-level subheadings within the Introduction, Scenario, or Requirements sections should be in title case, flush left with no hanging indent, italicized, and in boldface. One blank line should come before the subheading line but not after. No colon is needed.


Part I: The Instructor's Manual
A.  Write an overview of your instructor's manual and technology-based instructional product by doing the following:
      1.  Discuss each of the following elements of the plan and product:
          •  instructional goal
          •  intended audience
          •  length
          •  delivery approach

Lesson Plans or Modules
B.  Describe each lesson plan or module in the plan of instruction.
      1.  Discuss how performance is assessed.

Carets: Information in carets on the PA template is not necessary to retain and should be removed prior to publication.

Graphics: Tables, charts, graphics, etc., must be included as supporting documents. Make lengthy scenarios (more than 500 words) into a supporting document. (See also "Scenario.")

Mathematical expressions: Due to system limitations in EMA, complex mathematical expressions should be put in a supporting document. EMA does allow for some special characters. Check with a publication specialist to see what the current functionality is.

Emphasis: Aside from headings and measured numbers in performance assessment prompts, text should not be set in bold for emphasis. Italics may be used for emphasis, but they should be used sparingly to help them maintain their effect.

Abbreviations: An abbreviation should be spelled out the first time it is used within the task (aside from the competency), with the abbreviation in parentheses following the term. If a term is spelled out in this way, its abbreviation may be used throughout the rest of the task, including the rubric.

Quotation references: Quotes are formatted as regular text with quotation marks, regardless of their length, unless doing so would be awkward or confusing in some manner. Quotation references are formatted according to APA style.

Assessment Design Components

Assessment and Task Details

Course name: Numbers (or any domain or subdomain information) should not appear in this section. In the delivery system, the text will be autoformatted in all caps, but use title case for consistency across PA documents. The course name should be consistent with PAMS.

Course code: This code usually starts with an uppercase letter followed by three numbers.


C216, D019, L126

Assessment code: A performance assessment code includes three letters (in all caps) and a numeral.



Assessment launch date: This is the month and year the PA will launch for students. It is formatted as MMYY.


1018, 0216

Task name: The task name should include the task number followed by a colon and then the name for the task in title case.


Task 1: Research Problem

Task order: This is the task number or the order in which the task falls in the assessment. Use a numeral in this field.



List the competencies in ascending numerical order.



Assesses Practical Relevance of Ethical Theories

The learner assesses the practical relevance of leading ethical theories and concepts.


Identifies Influence on Ethical Leadership

The learner identifies influences on ethical leadership.


Formatting: Competency titles should be in title case. Do not include Competency before the competency number or a colon after the number. In the delivery system, the number and title will be autoformatted in bold and will include a colon, so this formatting in the template is not necessary.

Punctuation: Use an em dash between words as needed within domain name and competency titles (e.g., 111.1.1: Teaching Methods—Health and Fitness). If the competency title requires an additional punctuated break after the em dash, a colon should be used (e.g., 111.1.1: Teaching Methods—Health and Fitness: Daily).


111.1.1: Teaching Methods—Health and Fitness

111.1.1: Teaching Methods—Health and Fitness: Daily


Design Notes and Evidence Statements

This section is usually filled out by the developer prior to the kickoff meeting. These notes include the evidence statements and task models that the performance assessment will be written to. This information should not be deleted at any point during the development process. These notes are not published or shared with students and therefore are not edited during PA development.


*This section is mandatory for all tasks.

Purpose: An introduction presents the content that the candidates will be using for their performance assessment. It may also discuss how candidates would be able to do a similar project, presentation, or activity in a real-world setting. Information in the introduction cannot be measured.

Spacing: Paragraphs within the introduction should be separated by a blank line. The first line should not be indented.


Purpose: The scenario gives much more specific information than the introduction, often providing a hypothetical setting or situation that candidates will need to use in order to respond to the prompts.

Scenarios as supporting documents: If the word count of all scenarios combined is more than 500 words, the scenario(s) should be made into a supporting document. When a scenario is made into a supporting document, refer to the supporting document by name in the Scenario section.


Refer to Scenarios 1 and 2 in the attached "Supporting Document Name."

Multiple scenarios: If more than one scenario is needed, use subheadings to differentiate them. Start with the word Scenario (title case) followed by a numeral (e.g., Scenario 1). Clearly refer to the appropriate scenario in the prompts (e.g., "See Scenario 1").

Spacing: Paragraphs within the scenario should be separated by a blank line. The first line should not be indented.


*This section was formerly called Assumption/Given.

Purpose: Assumptions are used within a PA to provide a problem for students to solve, most often with math-related tasks. 

Placement: If the word count of all assumptions combined is more than 500 words, the assumption(s) should be made into a supporting document.

Assumptions as supporting documents: When an assumption is made into a supporting document, refer to the supporting document by name in the Assumptions section.


Refer to Assumptions 1 and 2 in the attached "Supporting Document Name."

Multiple assumptions: If more than one assumption is needed, format each as a subheading. Start with the word Assumption (title case) followed by a numeral (e.g., Assumption 1). Clearly refer to the appropriate assumption in the prompts (e.g., "see Assumption 1").


*This section was formerly called Task, Task Requirements, and also Project Requirements.



Articles: If the student is asked to provide only one of something, use an article unless it is clearer to use a number.


Discuss an approach to course design that will be used. (preferred)
Discuss one approach to course design that will be used.

At least: Avoid the use of at least whenever possible (e.g., avoid "Give at least three examples of ice cream flavors."). If a number is desired, the number of student responses should be definite. If used, an open-ended range presents problems for evaluation, who are evaluating for minimum competency, so a finite range may be a good compromise (e.g., "Give 3–5 examples of ice cream flavors."). Avoid using other rephrased versions of at least, including a minimum of and or more.


At least is acceptable is in prompts where there is a subgroup within a larger group. When used, at least should be italicized.

Develop an annotated bibliography with 10 relevant journal articles, using at least 7 empirical research journal articles.

Page lengths: A page range should typically be given rather than a single number (if a single number is shown, query the development team for a range). Page lengths should be given in numerals rather than in spelled-out numbers. The parenthetical should come after either the verb or the title of the document students are being asked to submit, depending on the intended meaning. Suggested page lengths are usually worded "suggested length of X–X pages." Page lengths are placed in parentheses, with the content in the parentheses italicized. Do not italicize the parentheses. This information also applies to sentence lengths, numbers of slides, and other similar specifications.


Discuss (suggested length of 1/2–1 page) the methods you used.

Write an essay (suggested length of 5–7 pages).

Parenthetical information: Use parentheses when clarifying wording or providing examples for the student. General parenthetical information (i.e., not page lengths) is not italicized. Parenthetical information in the prompt is not measured or included when repeating prompt wording in the rubric.


Identify the group of leaders (e.g., advisory group or a guiding coalition) that you will invite to provide valuable insights as part of the model development phase.

Explain how you would improve throughput time for three of the weakest areas of flow (i.e., bottlenecks or inefficiencies).

Performance assessment parts: When referring to a prompt, use the word part rather than prompt, with part lowercased.


Submit an annotated reference list for the resources you found in part A.

Notes: Notes may be provided to give extra, unmeasured information about prompts. Notes should be used sparingly and cannot be used or measured in the rubric.


Prompt Structure and Formatting

Sentence format: A prompt should be an imperative statement that starts with a measurable verb or phrase. Multiple sentences may be used for one prompt for the sake of clarity, but each should start with a verb whenever possible. Avoid multipronged prompts that measure more than one concept per prompt.


A.  Design a multilevel architecture based on the technical specifications and requirements you documented in Task 1. Include business, functional, and security requirements.


A.  Based on the "Instructional Materials" section of your lesson plan, explain how a manipulative used in your lesson plan will enhance student mathematics learning outcomes.

Bullet lists: When a prompt includes a bullet list, the prompt should introduce the list by referencing "the following points." Points may be replaced with any noun that accurately describes the content of the list.


C.  Discuss your plan for evaluation, including the following points:
     •   formative plan
     •   revisions
     •   summative plan
     •   sustainability

Verb: Use the command form of verbs whenever possible (e.g., describe, explain, evaluate, defend). There is not a strict list of acceptable verbs. The course design should inform the verb choice.  In general, it is best to use the most concise form of the verb in prompts (i.e., "describe..." not "provide a description...").


In certain cases, it may be necessary to use "provide," as in "Provide a rationale . . . "

More than one verb is allowed, but avoid using verbs that can be subsumed into the other verb(s) (e.g., "Identify and explain the components of quantum physics."). If multiple verbs are used, be sure the verbs are closely related enough that it makes sense to have the student perform the two actions in tandem.


C.  Conclude whether your hypothesis was confirmed, refuted, or partially confirmed, and discuss the observed results supporting that conclusion. 

Bold: Set in bold the measurable numbers that tell students how many of something is required, including numerals. Additionally, a single prompt may have more than one boldface number if both parts are being measured. In a prompt, measured ranges are numeric and bolded (including the en dash). In the rubric, however, all measured numbers are represented as numerals and not set in bold.


Identify three of the following six social studies thematic strands related to Texas history.

Develop a narrative literature review of 15 scholarly sources, 10 of which are peer-reviewed research articles.

Give 3–5 examples of ice cream flavors.

Italics: Italicize nonnumber words that may need to be emphasized for measurement (eachanybothall, etc.). Do not italicize parenthetical information except for suggested page lengths. (See entry "Page Lengths" in "Requirements.") If the word is italicized in the prompt, it is also italicized in the rubric.


Write a brief essay (suggested length of 1–2 pages).

Summarize each of the following books.


Section Structure and Formatting

Outline format: The Requirements section is formatted as an outline following the list format provided in the "General Formatting and Style" section of this page. There should not be more than four levels within the outline structure, excluding bullet lists. The first level of prompts (A, B, C, etc.) should have a blank line before each instance.

Spacing: Lists should not be preceded by a blank line. A blank line should occur after a bulleted or numbered list only if the next prompt is at the first level of prompts (e.g., A, B, C) or if a note immediately follows the list. In general, two spaces should be used between the period following the letter, number, numeral, or bullet and the prompt. The number of spaces may be adjusted after roman numerals to ensure the text in the list is aligned.

Numbered Lists:

A.  The first level uses a capital letter (A, B, C). It appears flush left, with a 0.25" hanging indent.
      1.  The second level uses a number (1, 2, 3). It is indented 0.25" from the left, with a 0.25" hanging indent.
            a.  The third level uses a lowercase letter (a, b, c). It is indented 0.5" from the left, with a 0.25" hanging indent. 
                  i.  The fourth level uses a lowercase roman numeral (i, ii, iii). It is indented 0.75" from the left, with a 0.25" hanging indent.

Bullet Lists:

           •  First-level bullets are indented an additional 0.25” from the text it aligns with above, and they have a 0.20” hanging indent.
                  -  Second-level bullets use a hyphen and are indented an additional 0.20” from the first level, with a 0.20” hanging indent.
                      ~  Third-level bullets use a tilde and are indented an additional 0.40” from the first level, with a 0.20” hanging indent.

Notes: Notes should be italicized and formatted to line up with the wording of the prompt they apply to, not the letter/number of the prompt. They should also have a blank line before and after them. Notes do not have a hanging indent.



Provide guidance and a sample rubric for the student in the scenario regarding the student's educational progress and portfolio by doing the following:

A.  Identify two strategies you would use to support student literacy in the classroom.

B.  Determine how the student in the scenario should create a literacy portfolio by doing the following:
     1.  Discuss steps the student in the scenario can take to improve in each of the following areas, based on the student's initial literacy assessment results:
          a.  reading
          b.  writing, in each of the following areas:
               i.    verb usage
               ii.   adjective usage
               iii.  noun usage
               iv.  pronoun usage
               v.   conjunction usage
               vi.  preposition usage
               vii. adverb usage
          c.  interpersonal communication skills
     2.  Describe how the student would record their literacy progress over the school year.

C.  Use the "Evaluation Template" supporting document to develop evaluation criteria for the areas listed in part B1.

     Note: You are not restricted to the existing number of rows or columns in the provided template and may add or delete these as necessary.

      1.  Identify three academic standards that justify the evaluation criteria you included.
      2.  Discuss how you addressed the following points when developing your evaluation criteria:
           •  personal biases
           •  diverse learners' needs, including the following groups:
               -  English learners, including the following potential challenges:
                   ~  language barriers
                   ~  cultural differences
               -  gifted and talented students
               -  special education students
           •  rewarding student creativity
     3.  Use the evaluation criteria from part C to evaluate the student portfolio in the "Student A Example" supporting document.



Reference List

The Reference List section comes after the Requirements and before the Web Links and Supporting Documents sections. References should only be provided for content that is cited within the task language itself, including those mentioned in the rubric or prompts.

Formatting: References and their corresponding citations should be formatted according to APA style. Although APA dictates a 0.5" hanging indent on reference list entries, a 0.25" hanging indent should be used instead. The reference list should be single-spaced, not double.

Reference note: The following note should be included after the heading for the reference list and a line break (include only when there is a reference list in the assessment).

Note: This reference list refers only to direct citations in this task and may be different from the references you need to complete the assessment. Consult your course material for a list of suggested learning resources.

Web Links


Web link types: Links should not be to temporary sites or sites where the content frequently changes (e.g., Google Docs). Such links should be replaced with more permanent web links. All web links should be LRPS links, no matter where they appear in the task.

Title: Web link titles should be unique and as brief as possible. They should use fewer than 100 characters including spaces, but shorter is better. Try to use the name of the web page that the link refers to, but shorten it when necessary. When determining the name of the web link, strive for clarity. The name of the web link should clearly identify the resource that the student will be using. If there is no title, create a unique, descriptive title. Avoid using URLs as titles. Titles of web links should be in title case, no matter what capitalization is used for the web page name.

Referring to web links: When referring to a web link within the assessment, give its title in quotation marks (e.g., See the "Cognitive Psychology" web link). There may be instances in which including web link after the title is not necessary or logical. In these cases, the wording in the Web Links section can be used (e.g., "Complete the 'Final Capstone Survey' found in the Web Links section").


Web Links throughout the Task

Hyperlinked text: Hyperlinks may be used throughout PA tasks (i.e., in the Introduction, Scenario, Assumption, or Requirements sections) but are not required. Hyperlinks should only direct to URLs and not to documents or other files that may automatically download. Rubrics should not include hyperlinks except to the LR. Only the first reference to a source should be hyperlinked. Do not include multiple links throughout the task to the same URL. If a website is hyperlinked in a task, the link must also be placed in the Web Links section.

Hyperlinked text should be in blue and underlined and should match the titles in the Web Links section. Do not hyperlink articles or punctuation that is not part of the title, including the quotation marks around the title.


Web Links Section

Components: Web links should have both a title for the link and the address of the link itself. A description is optional. You may hyperlink URL, but it is not necessary. Do not hyperlink the title of the web link in this section.

Order: Place the web links in alphabetical order by title.

Descriptions: A description is an optional brief summary of the purpose of the web link. Descriptions may include additional information such as references, which can help students in their work.


English Colonization and the Road to Revolution

Primary Source A: Backus, I. (1999). An appeal to the public for religious liberty. In J. J. Patrick, & G. P. Long, (Eds.), Constitutional debates on freedom of religion: A documentary history (pp. 24–27). Greenwood Press.

The Early Republic and the American Civil War

Primary Source B: Turner, N. (2006).  Nat Turner describes his rebellion. In C. Waldrep, & M. Bellesiles (Eds.), Documenting American violence: A sourcebook (pp. 124–127). Oxford University Press.

Supporting Documents

*This section was formerly called Attachments.

Purpose: Supporting documents are used for content that a student has to consult, templates for the student to use, scenarios and/or assumptions that are longer than 500 words, etc. Anything in a table, graphic, or image must be placed in a supporting document. When possible, use text rather than a table in a task. In cases where there is a short, simple table, break it out into text rather than creating a supporting document.

File names: Supporting documents should use the following file name format: AssessmentCode_Task#Attach_SupportingDocumentTitle. Editors should query the development team if the supporting document file names do not use this format.



Titles: Supporting document titles are names used to refer to the supporting documents throughout the task. These titles should mirror the title listed at the top of the attached document, assuming there is one. If the document (e.g., a spreadsheet) does not allow for a title at the top, choose a title that makes the most sense for the purpose of the supporting document. Names of supporting documents should be in title case. Supporting document titles should be listed in alphabetical order in the Supporting Document section, with no blank spaces between each name.

Referring to supporting documents: Supporting documents should typically be referenced somewhere in the task so students know how the supporting document should be used. Put quotation marks around titles of supporting documents when mentioned.


Use the information provided in the attached "Financial Records for Depreciation" spreadsheet.

Upon the first reference to a supporting document title in a task, spell out the entire title and use quotation marks. If an appropriate abbreviation is available for the supporting document title, the abbreviation may be used if (1) there is more than one supporting document, (2) the supporting document title cannot be revised to make it shorter, and (3) the supporting document has already been referenced using the full title earlier in the task. PAs with only one supporting document may refer to it as the supporting document. Quotation marks should not be used for supporting document title abbreviations.


You will use the attached "Physical Assessment Documentation Form (PADF) 0519" to complete this task. The PADF 0519 has four sections that you must address.

Supporting Documents
Physical Assessment Documentation Form (PADF) 0519
Standard Procedures Template

The submission demonstrates the correct assessment techniques for 6–8 of the items listed in the attached PADF 0519.

Supporting document template: Supporting documents should use the appropriate supporting document template, which includes WGU branding. The font should be Verdana, 10 pt., with single spacing. Most other formatting rules for performance assessments do not apply to supporting documents. Use your best judgment to ensure the document looks professional.


Standards and Usage

Answer: Answer should be changed to response or submission throughout the task.

Evaluation: If a submission matches the criteria found in any of the descriptors in the Not Evident or Approaching Competence levels of a rubric aspect, then the submission would receive a score of not evident or approaching competence for that rubric aspect. In order to receive a score of competent, the submission must adhere to the criteria found in all of the descriptors in the "Competent" level. Evaluators are trained to evaluate submissions in this manner.

1 or more: One or more should generally not be used in the Requirements section of the task. (See "At least" in the "Requirements" section of this page.) However, it is often useful in the rubric to distinguish between the requirements in each level, especially in the middle level. Use a numeral for the one and do not italicize or more.

Any: Any can be used when the prompt requires more than one artifact. Otherwise, use the appropriate article (definite or indefinite). This concept applies most often to the bottom level.

Examples of bottom levels:

Prompt: Provide four recommendations to solve the problem.
Rubric: The submission does not provide any recommendations.

Prompt: Provide a recommendation to solve the problem.
Rubric: The submission does not provide a recommendation.

Prompt: Explain all the necessary steps in the completing the procedure.
Rubric: An explanation of any of the steps in completing the procedure is not provided.


Structure and Formatting

Rubric aspect titles: Each aspect title is a noun phrase that summarizes what the aspect is measuring. However, the titles do not need to capture the entire purpose of the prompt and all of its elements. Titles should be unique; no two titles should be named the same within a single assessment, including when there are multiple aspects for a single prompt. Titles should be capitalized according to headline style. The prompt number/letter reference comes first followed by the aspect title. Include a period after the prompt number/letter reference and use only one space between the period and the aspect title. When a subtitle is included in the rubric aspect title, a colon should be used to separate the two parts.


 A1. First Model: Methods

 The submission...


External standards alignment: Some tasks may include the external standards to which a rubric aspect aligns (e.g., CAEP standards). These standards should be italicized and listed after the title, separated by a blank line.


A1. First Model: Methods

NELP 2.1 Utah 5 PSEL2

 The submission...


Aspect wording: Aspects do not have to repeat the wording of the prompt in its entirety, or even at all, as long as the wording is clear as to what is being measured and aligns with what the prompt is asking of the student. A student submission should not fall within more than one level based on the wording in the levels (i.e., level overlap).

Parenthetical information: Information given in parentheses within the prompt does not need to be included in the rubric. Parenthetical information is sometimes simply an expansion of the prompt.

Italics: Words that are italicized in the task prompt should also be italicized in the rubric.

Number of sentences: A rubric level may include multiple sentences. In many cases, it is better to have multiple sentences than to have one long sentence.

Nouns: Each rubric aspect should begin with the noun form of the prompt's verb, referencing the response to the corresponding prompt rather than beginning the sentence with the candidate (e.g., "The description of a plan is . . . " rather than "The candidate describes a plan . . . "). Exceptions to this standard may include instances in which the "the submission" or another noun that represents the artifact (e.g., the communication methods, the presentation, the plan) is used. Use of nouns should be consistent across a rubric aspect.

In some cases, it may be necessary to use the candidate for clarity; however, repeated use of the candidate should be avoided whenever possible. If you or your is used in the prompt, the rubric aspect should be reworded to avoid such language. The preferred solution is to use passive voice.

Tense: Rubric aspects should generally be in present tense. Exceptions to this may be if the prompt or context requires another tense.

Descriptors: All rubric levels, especially those for the same rubric aspect, should list descriptors in a similar order as appropriate. For example, if the top-level rubric aspect discusses the submission's essay structure in the first sentence and then the essay's content in the next, the middle-level descriptors should follow the same order: discuss the essay's structure and then its content. A good principle for writing rubric descriptors is to start general and then be more specific as the rubric level goes on.

Articles: When the bottom level states no artifact is provided, an indefinite article should be used if the aspect starts with the noun form of the prompt's verb (e.g., "An explanation is not provided"). Definite articles should be used to begin the other two levels for the aspect (e.g., "the explanation"). When beginning any rubric aspect with submission, use the definite article across all levels.



 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


B3. Scope

A description is not provided, or the description makes no reference to the scope of the challenge or need.

The description is irrelevant to how the scope of the challenge or need may impact healthcare delivery. The scope is implausible.

The description is relevant to how the scope of the challenge or need may affect healthcare delivery. The scope is plausible.


Bullet lists: For prompts that include bullet points, the corresponding rubric aspect should not list each bullet point. Instead, the rubric aspect should refer to the items in the list as "the given points." Points may also be replaced by another applicable noun (e.g., details), but the wording in the prompt and rubric should match if you choose to use a noun before the colon in the prompt.


A.  Complete an initial financial assessment of the proposed solution that addresses the following points:
      •  resource needs (e.g., human, operations)
      •  estimated costs
      •  possible sources of financial support
      •  estimated time for revenue to be sustainable (i.e., a breakeven analysis)


 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


A. Initial Financial Assessment

An initial financial assessment is not provided, or the assessment does not address any of the given points.

The initial financial assessment is illogical for the proposed solution. At least 1 of the given points is not addressed or contains irrelevant information.

The initial financial assessment is logical for the proposed solution and contains relevant information for each of the 4 given points.


A.  Discuss the linguistic theories of each of the following individuals:

      •  Noam Chomsky
      •  Stephen Krashen
      •  James Asher
      •  Jim Cummins
      •  Anna Uhl Chamot


 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


A. Linguistic Theories

A discussion of each individual's linguistic theories is not provided.

The discussion covers 1 or more individuals' linguistic theories, but the theories discussed are inaccurate or missing major components.

The discussion of each individual's linguistic theories is accurate and complete.


Numbers: A general rule is if the number is in bold in the prompt, it should be numeric in the rubric (but not in bold). Occasionally there are numbers in the rubric that are not measured; they should conform to WGU's number style.

If possible, avoid starting a sentence in the rubric with a number. If there is no other way to phrase the sentence and the number must appear at the beginning of the sentence, you may use the numeral to start the sentence in the rubric.

Example of measured numbers:

B. Explain two disadvantages of the current strategic plan.


Not Evident

Approaching Competence


B. Disadvantages

An explanation of disadvantages is not included.

The explanation does not accurately identify 2 specific disadvantages or does not justify why the identified elements are disadvantageous to industry competitiveness.

The explanation identifies 2 specific disadvantages and justifies how these elements are disadvantageous to industry competitiveness.


Example of unmeasured numbers:

B.  Explain how the axioms require that the system has three distinct points.


 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


B. Explanation of Three Points

An explanation of how the axioms require that the system has three distinct points is not provided.

The explanation of how the axioms require that the system has three distinct points is incomplete, does not include all necessary axioms, has axioms that are not in the correct order, or exhibits gaps in reasoning.

The explanation of how the axioms require that the system has three distinct points is complete, includes all necessary axioms, has axioms in the correct order, and exhibits no gaps in reasoning.


Not applicable: Although rare, some levels of the rubric aspect may not be measured, such as when the aspect is strictly pass/fail. In the unmeasured levels, use Not applicable. This is generally found in the middle level. Do not use N/A or any other abbreviation. Use sentence case, with a period at the end. 



 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


A2. Depreciation

Fileable Form 1120S does not include the correct number for "Depreciation" on line 14.

Not applicable.

Fileable Form 1120S includes the correct number for "Depreciation" on line 14.



Standard and Situational Language

The following standard note is required at the beginning of the Requirements section in each performance assessment. These paragraphs will not be indicated by the word note like other notes, but the note will maintain italics. This is how the standard notes will look in an actual tasks:

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

Multiple formats: If the task allows multiple formats for the submission, the following note should be included before the prompt (parenthetical examples may change based on the requirements of each assessment).

Note: Your submission may be in a variety of formats (e.g., report, multimedia presentation, video presentation).

Attaching images: Use the following note in any performance assessment that requires candidates to attach pictures, graphics, diagrams, etc. The note should appear after the corresponding prompt or prompts.

Note: This assessment requires you to submit pictures, graphics, and/or diagrams. Each file must be a supporting document no larger than 30 MB in size. Diagrams must be original and may be hand-drawn or drawn using a graphics program. Do not use CAD programs because the file will be too large.

Graphs: Format the following standard note with a left indent matching the prompt that assigns drawing the graph; the hyphenated list should align with the N of Note and have a hanging indent of 0.20".

Note: To draw the graph, you may use one or a combination of the following:
- A spreadsheet program, such as Excel (*.xls)
- A graphics program, such as Paint (*.jpeg, *.gif)
- A word-processing program, such as Word (*.rtf)
- A scanned hand-drawn graph (*.jpeg, *.gif)

Two standard prompts and rubric aspects are typically included in every task for sources and professional communication.

The second-to-last prompt in the Requirements section is typically the sources prompt. This prompt informs students that any references that are used should be cited. If there is a possibility that a student may cite other material in their submission, a sources aspect should be included. There may be some assessments where this prompt is not required.


General Sources Prompt and Rubric Aspect

If students could use sources in a task and APA style is not required, and the citations are not evaluated in another rubric aspect, the following aspect should be used:

#.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


Learning Resource URL

 #. Sources

The submission does not include both in-text citations and a reference list for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list; however, the citations or reference list is incomplete or inaccurate.

The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accurately identifies the author, date, title, and source location as available.


APA-Required Sources Prompt and Rubric Aspect

Some tasks may require students to use the APA citation style. The assessment development team should be informed of this prior to beginning development. When APA citation style is required, use the following standard wording for the prompt and rubric aspect:

#.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


Learning Resource URL

#. APA Sources

The submission does not include in-text citations and references according to APA style for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized but does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style.

The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style.

If APA style is measured in two different prompts, ensure the rubric aspects do not overlap in measurement.


C.  Create an annotated bibliography of the five children's books identified in part B that you plan to use in your K–8 classroom by doing the following:
     1. Provide a full, APA-formatted citation for each book.

D.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Other APA options: Sometimes, the sources prompt applies to part of the task or can be placed in a different location. Or the assessment development team may want more specificity about what is required of the student and may create new or modified wording in the prompt and rubric.


Provide a reference list in APA format that includes three academic or business sources.

If a submission is required to be entirely formatted in APA style (e.g., some master's-level PAs), the following aspect should be used as a basis. Change formal narrative paper to whatever is appropriate. An additional prompt or rubric aspect for sources is not needed.

#.  Submit your <formal narrative paper> in APA style, including but not limited to a title page, headers, in-text citations, and references.


 Not Evident  

Approaching Competence


Learning Resource URL

 #. APA Style

 The submission is not in APA style.

The submission does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style.

The submission demonstrates a consistent application of APA style.


The final prompt and rubric aspect in almost every task is the professional communication prompt. This prompt and rubric aspect may be removed in very rare cases (e.g., task that requires only tax forms to be completed), at the discretion of the assessment development team.

#.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


 Not Evident  

Approaching Competence


Learning Resource URL

#. Professional Communication

Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic.

Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective.

Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.

Additional prompts and rubric aspects are included situationally, as follows.

Panopto Prompt

Place the following in all tasks that instruct students to create a video- and audio-only demonstration using Panopto.

Note: For instructions on how to access and use Panopto, use the "Panopto How-To Videos" web link provided below. To access Panopto's website, navigate to the web link titled "Panopto Access" and then choose to log in using the "WGU" option. If prompted, log in using your WGU student portal credentials, and then it will forward you to Panopto's website.

To submit your recording, upload it to the Panopto drop box titled "{ASSESSMENT NAME HERE} – {ASSESSMENT CODE} | {ASSESSMENT C-CODE}." Once the recording has been uploaded and processed in Panopto's system, retrieve the URL of the recording from Panopto and copy and paste it into the Links option. Upload the remaining task requirements using the Attachments option.

Place the following in all tasks that instruct students to create a multimedia presentation using Panopto.

Note: The audiovisual recording should feature you visibly presenting the material (i.e., not in voiceover or embedded video) and should simultaneously capture both you and your multimedia presentation.

Note: For instructions on how to access and use Panopto, use the "Panopto How-To Videos" web link provided below. To access Panopto's website, navigate to the web link titled "Panopto Access" and then choose to log in using the "WGU" option. If prompted, log in using your WGU student portal credentials, and then it will forward you to Panopto's website.

To submit your recording, upload it to the Panopto drop box titled "{ASSESSMENT NAME HERE} – {ASSESSMENT CODE} | {ASSESSMENT C-CODE}." Once the recording has been uploaded and processed in Panopto's system, retrieve the URL of the recording from Panopto and copy and paste it into the Links option. Upload the remaining task requirements using the Attachments option.


Panopto Web Links

Place the following in the Web Links section for any task that instructs students to use Panopto.

Panopto Access

Sign in using the "WGU" option. If prompted, log in with your WGU student portal credentials, which should forward you to Panopto's website. If you have any problems accessing Panopto, please contact Assessment Services at It may take up to two business days to receive your WGU Panopto recording permissions once you have begun the course.

Panopto FAQs


Panopto How-To Videos


Teachers College PAs currently include one of the following teaching dispositions aspects (with no corresponding prompt) as the first aspect in the rubric. Verify with the assessment developer which aspect is more appropriate for the task. Note you will use only one of these aspects per task.

Note: This rubric aspect is for Teachers College tasks only. It must be the first rubric aspect listed.


 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


 Learning Resource URL

SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics

The submission demonstrates both behavior and disposition that conflict with the professional and ethical standards outlined in the SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics.

The submission demonstrates behavior or disposition that conflicts with the professional and ethical standards outlined in the SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics.

The submission demonstrates behavior and disposition that align with the professional and ethical standards outlined in the SOE Professional Dispositions and Ethics.

The following aspect is less common. This wording pertains to WGU students who are practicing in an educational setting but not a traditional classroom. (An example would be students in the Learning Experience Design program.)


 Not Evident

 Approaching Competence


 Learning Resource URL


The submission demonstrates both behavior and dispositions that conflict with professional or ethical standards..

The submission demonstrates behavior or disposition that conflicts with professional or ethical standards.

The submission demonstrates behavior and disposition that align with professional and ethical standards.